by lena.tasse | Nov 6, 2024 | Event
WASP-ED WA6 has developed five training modules aimed at people who work with collegial educational development of teaching in higher education. The modules will be presented at this combined workshop and launch event.
by Johan Axelsson | May 3, 2024 | News
Presentations from the community event held on April 22nd. 2024-04-22 WASP-ED The Next Five Years WASP-ED AI Curriculum WA1 WASP-ED Program development WA2 WASP-ED WA3 Courses WASP-ED Data driven pedagogical transformation WASP Research day 2024 WASP-ED AI Literacy...
by caath | Mar 18, 2024 | Event, News
This event aims at describing a roadmap for the next 5 years in transforming higher education to better address the challenges and the opportunities provided by AI.
by caath | Sep 13, 2023 | Event
WASP-ED follow up onlineseminar on Large Language Models and teaching in Higher Education, September 18 2023
by caath | Jun 1, 2023 | News
In order to address the questions and challenges higher education face with Large Language Models WASP-ED hosted an online seminar May 12, 2023. The seminar consisted of three presentations from invited speakers followed by panel discussion and break-out sessions....
by lena.tasse | May 2, 2023 | Event
Wallenberg AI and Transformative Technologies Education Development Program (WASP-ED) would like to invite you to an online seminar, on Mat 12th 2023, with focus and discussion on Large-Language Models and higher education.
by lena.tasse | Apr 13, 2023 | News
A first paper on the WASP-ED curriculum has been published by Helena Lindgren and Fredrik Heintz. The WASP-ED curriculum aims to provide broad view of the subject iself, rather than a particular education program, and not limit the curriculum to the STEM subjects. Instead, the curriculum provides a holistic, human-centered AI perspective.
by lena.tasse | Feb 3, 2023 | Event
Hur kan vi i inom högre utbildning, myndigheter, organisationer och företag samarbeta för att bättre möta behoven och utveckla AI-kompetensen i Sverige? Välkommen till WASP-ED community event, den 20 april, kl 9:30-16:30 i Stockholm.
by lena.tasse | Nov 22, 2022 | Event
Inom ramen för WASP-ED har Örebro och Göteborgs universitet ansvar för att ge stöd till pedagogiska utvecklare, IKT-pedagoger eller motsvarande. Planen är att ta fram ett material som pedagogiska utvecklare kan använda i sitt arbete med lärare. För att materialet ska kunna fungera på lärosäten med olika inriktningar och ämnen och för att involvera kollegor som skulle vara intresserade av att vara med under en pilot där materialet utvecklas anordnas en workshop.
by lena.tasse | Oct 12, 2022 | News
The recording from the WASP-ED Working Area Curriculum Developement info session is now available. The session was held 11th October 2022, and the latest version of the AI curriculum framework was presented.