
Amy Loutfi

Leader WA2 (Program)
Professor of Information Technology Örebro University

Amy Loutfi

Leader WA2 (Program)
Professor of Information Technology Örebro University

Alan Said

Co-Lead WA2 (Program)
Associate Professor University of Gothenburg

Alan Said

Co-Lead WA2 (Program)
Associate Professor University of Gothenburg

Objectives of WA2 “Program Development”


The purpose of this work area is both to push the development of new education programs in AI and to help universities accelerate the introduction of AI into existing programs.

Creating completely new education programs at a university is an extensive and long process involving many stakeholders. Therefore, the focus of this work area will mainly be on developing blue-prints or templates for education programs covering different aspects of the WASP-ED Curriculum, and to pilot at least one such program together with one or more partner universities.

To support universities to accelerate the integration of AI related courses and content into their existing education program, we will also develop strategies and support for this. One concrete example is education program blueprints that can be adapted to local needs and constraints.

WASP-ED Announces call for the integration of AI in health-related education

WASP-ED is now announcing a call for the creation of a blueprint (or template) for the integration of AI in healthcare-related educational programmes. The purpose is to elevate the competence in AI for students to a degree in which they can more easily identify both possibilities and risks accompanied by using artificial intelligence in health care.

The blueprint should be constructed in a way, so that it is re-usable by other similar education programmes. A blueprint is expected to be similar to an utbildningsplan / program syllabus and should contain background, motivation, example of courses, relation to other similar programs and more.  

The collaboration aspect of this call is very important. If you have ideas and want to discuss or help in finding partners, please get in touch. We could act as a matchmaking partner between faculties/universities. If this applies for you, please contact amy.loutfi@oru.se , cc to: johan.axelsson@oru.se

For full length application (pdf)



Expected Outcomes


An overview of the need for different education programs covering the very broad area of AI and related transformative technologies.

Strategies & Methods

A set of strategies and methods for accelerating the introduction of AI and related transformative technologies into existing education programs.


Blueprints of educational programs that could be adapted by partner universities.


Pilot-programs developed together with partner universities.